The need for mandatory controls on emissions of the heat-trapping gases that drive global warming is urgent. Drawing on the expertise of medicine and public health, Physicians for Social Responsibility is dedicated to fighting for laws and regulations that protect human health from the dangers of global warming by reversing the current trends of increasing emissions and rising temperatures.
Physicians for Social Responsibility is the medical and public health voice working to prevent the use or spread of nuclear weapons and to slow, stop and reverse global warming and toxic degradation of the environment. They have a climate change threat to health project.
Heat waves, intense drought, disease outbreaks, and flooding — this is the forecast given by the world's most renown climate experts who now warn that unless action to curb global warming is taken within the next ten years, we will pass a "tipping point" beyond which devastating consequences will become unavoidable.
— PSR, Curbing Global Warming...
The Global Warming and Health webpage at the Physicians for Social Responsibility website includes several climate change resources for medical professionals, including papers and a slide show you can adapt and use in presentations.
For example, The Medical and Public Health Impacts of Global Warming, in pdf format, explains several adverse effects of climate change on human health:
Though the task before us is formidable, we already possess the scientific, technical, and industrial know-how to greatly reduce global warming pollution. Scientists warn, however, that the window of opportunity is closing quickly.... The time for action to stop global warming is NOW!
— Physicians for Social Responsibility
Visit the Physicians for Social Responsibility Website on Global Warming